
INC | 1A-B, rue Thomas Edison | L-1445 Strassen | G.D. Luxembourg | +352 26 11 97 37

Engagement of CNER and CNPD


How is INC helping you to prevent cancer


How is INC helping you to fight cancer


How is INC helping your life after cancer


RCPs - what are they


What is molecular diagnostics & tumour sequencing?
A service of the U.S. National Institutes of is a registry and results database of publicly and
privately supported clinical studies of human participants conducted around the world. Learn more about clinical
studies and about this site, including relevant history, policies, and laws.
Deutschen Register Klinischer Studien (DRKS) / German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS)
The DRKS is an open access online register for clinical trials conducted in Germany, which allows all users to search,
register and share information on clinical trials.You will find basic information like the title, short descriptions, inclusion
and exclusion criteria, status and outcomes on every trial.


Participation in clinical trials


Cancer treatment guidelines (INC/CSDS + ESMO/NCCN)


The importance of RNC

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2025 - All rights reserved by INC | 1A-B, rue Thomas Edison | L-1445 Strassen | G.D. Luxembourg | +352 26 11 97 37